I'm sure I was inspired by the Christmas-tree green color of the game pieces. Can you identify the sources? Easiest, of course, are the trees:
The "branches" are Monopoly houses (see what else you can do with these). At the top and bottom are a pie pieces from Trivial Pursuit, and a white marble weighs down the banner.
The center strip is made from parts of my two favorite games -- Sorry and Scrabble. (Had I known at the time how hard it is to find "H" tiles, I may have opted for a different message, featuring all 1-point letters.)
Finally, the letters on the topmost strip are wooden dice from an old Spill and Spell game:
Because they're heavier than flat tiles, I wasn't sure the glue would hold, but a year later they're still firmly attached. (BTW, if you ever have a question about an old board or dice game, go to www.boardgamegeek.com.)
I don't want to hang this outside because the damp would doom the piece, so I've hung it on the inside in our entry way.