Postcards 5 & 6: Let's bungle in the jungle

Another pair of cards ready to be sent in iHanna's Postcard Swap... 

I call this one "French Man." Can you guess why? 
Collaged postcard featuring smug man
He looks a bit smug, flaunting his perfect verb conjugation. The red hawk keeps her eye on him. Or is she looking at us? And how did she lose that feather?

I used the same purple-blue hues for the second card, titled "Let's Find Out." Three young men (Internet tycoons?) cavort in a jungle. Behind a large leaf lurks a tarantula. Let's find out what happens when we toss the spider toward the men!
Collaged postcard featuring dancing men
I hope whoever receives my postcards has a sense of humor. And isn't French. Or an Internet tycoon.


  1. Love the storytelling you've got going on with your cards. You could make them into a story book, I'm sure! :-)

  2. oh wow very awesome ! x

  3. I got the one with the Frenchman! : DD I was thinking about Saint-Exupery (he resembles him). He was a pilot (-> bird) and he fell in the sea somewhere near Corsica, didn't he, ie. into Mediterranean sea.

    1. I'm pleased that you could make a connection, and such a literary one!


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