Postcards that are seriously delicious…or deliciously serious?

Postcards for iHanna swap
It's time for the Spring iHanna DIY postcard swap. Just as for past swaps, I wasn't sure what direction my collages would take this time. Last year, I made one series of cards with a science theme and another with industrious cats

This time around I grabbed a couple of retro cookbooks and my stack of old National Geographics. The result was…I'm not sure how to describe it. Serious architecture amid unhealthy food.

I call this one "Bell Tower of Jello." Or maybe, "For Whom the Jello Tolls." 
Postcards for iHanna swap

Welcome to "House of Proteins."
Postcards for iHanna swap

This is "Hall of Shamed Tuna Salad." Shame on you, tuna!
Postcards for iHanna swap

"57 Varieties of Extinction" (Google "Heinz 57" if you don't get it.)

Postcards for iHanna swap

This, of course, is "Dam Ham in Greece."
Postcards for iHanna swap
Stay tuned for the second set!


  1. These are definitely postcards of a different kind, so much imagination, love the humor.
    :) Chris / CS Designs

  2. I LOVE these! You are a twisted sista! Like me

  3. I love the house of proteins!

    1. Thanks, Lynn. At first it was going to be chicken but then the fish appeared!


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