My homage to the Superbowl

Here's my collage homage to today's annual gladitorial-consumer-orgasmic event called the "SuperBowl."

Superbowl Collage


  1. I love how your brain works! -)

  2. Too funny! What was your source of those vintage images? And I was also wondering, what does "empty victories" mean in this collage? :)

    1. Thanks, Aimee. The images come from a anatomy book and an old yearbook. I was aiming to imply that football players win even when they lose because of all the head trauma they sustain.

  3. Making this collage was a more productive use of time than watching the game!

  4. Thanks for the info & explanation, Claudia! Now I'm wondering, what yearbook did you use and from what school? I love old stuff like that!

    1. I've got a couple of different ones -- some from colleges in the 1940s, 50s and 70s, and one high school. You can find them online, but I got mine in different thrift stores, including an especially wonderful St. Vincent's in Eugene Or that has a HUGE book section.


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