Try this at home -- choosing a background for my collage

I've written before about auditioning -- trying out different images to see how they work together in a collage. Today I'm starting with two images in search of a background: a woman descending a staircase and a cutaway drawing of a turbine engine.

starting image for collage

starting image for collage
Here are potential backgrounds, ripped from an old copy of Interior Design, a magazine that's perfect for collage artists like me.
potential collage backgrounds
Which would you choose? Here's what the engine and woman look like with each one.
potential collage background with main images

potential collage background with main images

potential collage background with main images

potential collage background with main images

potential collage background with main images

I thought I'd decided, but now I'm not sure. The digital versions look different from the paper images. In the comments section below, tell me what you think...and why....


  1. I like the one that's the fourth one down; it seems to fit with the downward direction of the woman figure, and the engine looks like it could be descending too. But maybe that makes this background too obvious a choice to you?

    Second choice would be the second one from the top; I like the triangular stained glass.

    1. Yes, you're right, the perspective on the fourth one makes it look like the engine is dropping too. Hmmm, I didn't notice that. Thanks, Aimee!


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