Women's Lib -- a trip through a woman's magazine from 1971

I admit it. I'm a child of the 70s. To me, that means macrame, bell-bottoms, disco, and -- of course -- Women's Lib. I came of age just when Gloria Steinem was telling women to burn their bras, the Equal Rights Amendment was being debated, and author Germaine Greer invented "The Female Eunuch":
Women's Lib in 1971 -- magazine ads
I recently inherited a stack of women's magazines from the 1970s from my husband's aunt, to use in collages. I thumbed through them, nostalgic and a bit horrified. A copy of McCall's Magazine from 1971 is a perfect time capsule of changing social conventions and conflicting priorities for women.

An advice column addressed typical "dilemmas of the '70s"
Women's Lib in 1971 -- magazine ads
And readers were told that "Ms." is an acceptable title for today's woman (by a male congressman):
Women's Lib in 1971 -- magazine ads
Ads in the magazine told women "they'd come a long way, baby!" But they still needed to worry about being feminine.
Women's Lib in 1971 -- magazine ads

Yes, this is exactly how every woman felt in 1971!
Women's Lib in 1971 -- magazine ads

Women needed courage for every domestic situation:
Women's Lib in 1971 -- magazine ads

Women's Lib in 1971 -- magazine ads

Probably the most interesting thing in the magazine were results of a survey asking readers about women's liberation. They certainly still had a long way to go....

Women's Lib in 1971 -- magazine ads

Finally, an ad that made me smile...and wince.
Women's Lib in 1971 -- magazine ads


  1. I love vintage magazines, so I LOVE this post. I'm a child of the 70's too, so this is memory lane stuff for me. If I remember correctly, the two women advice columnists were a mother/daughter duo, and it was interesting to read their columns to see how they differed or agreed on various issues. Montgomery Ward is long gone, of course, but the clothes in their ad look pretty cool! Bet they'd be snapped up at a thrift store, consignment shop or an online site! But as for the survey, the attitudes demonstrated by the results look dated now.

  2. How lucky you are to have gotten this stash of gold ephemera! Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  3. Those domestic courage ads are really funny.
    (Terrifying grain and water in a pot...How will I ever manage?!)
    Or is "rice" a 70s euphemism for something more unseemly?!
    I'm going to start cooing that to my husband: "Rice is the thing I do best!" ha!
    (ps: I've been long-time-lurking your ATCs. I love them!!)


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